European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP)

EDIDP is a biannual programme (2019-20) aiming at enhancing the competitiveness of the EU defence industry.

EDIDP aims at supporting the efforts of the EU defence industry in the development of defence equipment and technologies through co-financing from the EU budget. EDIDP has a budget of €500 million in total for 2019 and 2020.

Capabilities for CBRN risk assessment, detection, early warning and surveillance    EDIDP-CBRN-DEWS-2020

CBRN medical countermeasures, such as preventive and therapeutic immunotherapy    EDIDP-CBRN-MCM-2020

Development of next generation and upgrade of current armoured platforms, including those able to operate in extreme climates and geographical environments    EDIDP-GCC-2020

Modelling, simulation and virtualisation tools and equipment for training, exercises, systems design, development and integration, as well as testing and validation    EDIDP-SVTE-2020

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The Search and Rescue Project

This is a short animated video about the Search and Rescue Project, funded under the H2020 EU Research Programme.

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The Search and Rescue Project

•Topic: SU-DRS02-2018-2019-2020 – Technologies for first responders •Call for proposal: H2020-SU-SEC-2019 •Grant agreement ID: 882897 •Total budget: € 7.890.585 •Funding Scheme: RIA – Research and Innovation Action •Project’s starting date: 1 July 2020 •Project’s end date: 30 June 2023 •Coordinator: NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS – (NTUA) Greece •Cordis Link: (from various practitioner’s organisations, civil society, […]

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