Concluded the 4th international course in favor of personnel working in critical infrastructures

 Mitigation of the risks of critical infrastructures related to the management of hazardous substances 

The “RESIST” course (Resilience Support for critical Infrastructures’ through Standardized Training) ended today at the Joint Forces School for NBC Defense (Nuclear Biological and Chemical).

The course, held in English and now in its 4th edition, this time saw the participation of 19 attendees belonging to organizations that manage Romanian critical infrastructures. In particular, “Compania Municipala Termoenergetica Bucaresti” and “Societatea de Transport Bucuresti” which deal respectively with Thermoenergetics and Public Transport in the City of Bucharest.

During the training phases, attendees were trained to deal with possible releases of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) substances from accidental or deliberate events such as in the case of terrorist events. The training was conducted with the aim of increasing the resilience of critical infrastructures by mitigating the risks associated with the management of hazardous substances, providing the right preparation for the operators and rescuers who work there.
The courses intended for staff in the Resit project, within the Internal Security Fund Police and managed by DG HOME EC (Directorate General for Immigration and Internal Affairs of the European Commission), are organized exclusively at the NBC School with the participation also of the National Fire Brigade, Department of Civil Protection and the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”.

At the same time, the basic operational qualification course for personnel of the Armed Forces and other Departments or State Administrations (Op1) ended on the same day. The latter is aimed at personnel assigned specific operational tasks on the occasion of CBRN releases both nationally and abroad and offers visitors a preparation that goes beyond the mere ability to survive in a contaminated area but allows them to actively take part in the process of contrasting the negative effects of the release as well as restoring the initial conditions.

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